Leadership, and a high performance culture
I’ve both been a business owner, and have worked in high-growth tech companies including SaaS company SLI Systems that went through an IPO and tripled in size from 50 to 150 employees in the three years I was with them, and an innovative EduTech startup that was acquired by ASX-listed Family Zone. There is NO DOUBT that culture eats strategy for breakfast, and there is a huge opportunity cost in getting that wrong.
I recently had the pleasure to catch up with Mel Rowsell, who has published her book Leadership for the Fourth Age. Mel provides leadership strategies with practical applications for the Imagination Age. There is a lot of information in this space, and this book is an easily digestible read incorporating many of Mel’s experiences as co-founder of tech startup Vend.
True leadership begins with knowing yourself, including your personality traits, natural tendencies and communication style. When you are forming high performing teams it is essential to put the work into yourself, and also to take time to bond and build trust with your team. Ensuring team roles are aligned with a deep understanding of individual strengths can really empower a business, and ensures that capability gaps are addressed early. This is particularly critical with early stage companies.
Defining your ‘why’ on both an individual and company level inspires passion, and if you haven’t read Viktor Frankl’s 1946 book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ yet, make that your next priority. A lot of attention has been given to purpose in recent years, with Simon Sinek’s talk ‘How Great Leaders Inspire Action’ one of the most highly viewed Tex Talks. Our knowledge economy requires this understanding for buy-in on all levels.
Leadership is a journey, and start by getting to know yourself. As a long-time yoga teacher I’ve always been interested in the connection between mind and body, and the ability of a yoga or meditation practice to facilitate the required introspection. Discomfort? That’s interesting. Stressed, burnt out and reactive? Build wellness routines into your weekly schedule, get your energy levels up and understand how to manage yourself.
You’re in for an interesting ride.